Sunday, December 29, 2013

Striker Fired Sig? Hell yeah!

I just read at about a new Sig pistol called the P320.  The new pistol is a striker fired gun like a Glock or Springfield XD.  I think this is the first striker fired gun from Sig Sauer, but I could be wrong.

I've always liked Sig pistols - they are solid performers with great accuracy and rock solid reliability.  But a lot of them are too large or heavy for me to carry around.  Plus that long double action trigger pull just sucks.

With a striker fired gun (instead of the hammer fired on the rest of the company's guns), the trigger pull can be a lot shorter and smoother.  The pull weight is supposed to be about 6 pounds which sounds right on to me.

This gun is still supposed to be top secret, but I am guessing Sig might go ahead and admit it now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag.  Once they do, we will get a chance to see what they have designed this thing to look like.

I hope the gun looks more like an M&P than the P250, but we will have to see.  The P320 is supposed to be modular like the P250, so the two guns might look a lot alike.  I hope not though.  Its not that the P250 was just wasn't very attractive.  Your thoughts may vary, of course.

So, that is what I am most excited to see in the coming year.  The annual shot show is right around the corner, so I hope to hear about how well these guns shoot.  Until then, I will have to dream...

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